Sunday, October 5, 2008

Obama: Competent Government, Sounder Economy, Affordable Healthcare, AND You Can Keep Your Guns!


Kyle Hurtley said...

Allow me to educate you:

I'm not saying Obama would, but it's been done before and it took a recent Supreme Court ruling to overturn a 30 year old ban on handguns in Washington DC

DRock said...

That's Washington D.C. it's kind of understandable considering our entire Federal Government resides there. The whole assassination thing and making it easier on the Secret Service. Gun manufacturers aren't really profit stricken by not being able to sell guns in D.C. though.

Kyle Hurtley said...

No, it's not understandable at all as it was a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment.

DRock said...

Well lets not get into that argument. lol No one is going to take your guns away.